Requirement Specifications#

The methods unearth.finder.PackageFinder.find_matches and unearth.finder.PackageFinder.find_best_match accept a requirements specification string or an instance of packaging.requirements.Requirement as the first argument.

The requirement string follows the specification of PEP 508. Here are some examples:

Named requirements#

werkzeug >= 1.0

The environment markers and extras, however, don’t play any role in the package finding, so they will be simply ignored.

URL requirements#

You can specify a requirement with specific URL to the distribution file by including the URL in the requirement string, in the form of <name> @ <url>:

# A distribution archive for a package
pip @
# A local path should be specified as a file:// URL
jinja2 @ file:///path/to/code/
# It can even be a file:// URL to a local directory
pytz @ file:///path/to/code/pytz-2018.7

VCS requirements#

Same as pip, unearth also supports requirements specified by VCS URLs. Like URL requirements, the VCS URL follows after the @ sign. The format is as follows:

<name> @ <vcs>+<url>[@ref]

where vcs can be one of git, hg, svn and bzr.

# A Git repository on the HEAD revision
django @ git+
# A VCS repository specified by SSH URL and a specific ref.
pip @
pip @
pip @ svn+
# A Git repository on the accurate commit id
flask @ git+