
This API is not finalized, and may change in a patch version.


class unearth.fetchers.PyPIClient(*, trusted_hosts: Iterable[str] = (), verify: VerifyTypes = True, cert: CertTypes | None = None, http1: bool = True, http2: bool = False, limits: httpx.Limits = Limits(max_connections=100, max_keepalive_connections=20, keepalive_expiry=5.0), trust_env: bool = True, timeout: TimeoutTypes = 10.0, **kwargs: Any)#

A httpx.Client subclass that supports file:// URLs and trusted hosts configuration.

  • trusted_hosts – A list of trusted hosts. If a host is trusted, the client will not verify the SSL certificate.

  • **kwargs – Additional keyword arguments to pass to the httpx.Client constructor.